Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lesson Plan for Microteaching - Texas Hold'em

Materials: Playing Cards, Table of Hand Ranking for Poker, Coins

1. Bridge: Hey would you like to make some easy money? Why don't we learn to play Texas Hold'em?

2. Teaching Objectives: To learn how to engage students in an activity that will allow them to learn the rules and play a new game.

3. Learning Objectives: Students will be able to (SWBAT) play Texas Hold’em on their own, i.e. without the directions of the teacher.

4. Pretesting: Who here has played poker? - And in case that nobody has played poker- Who here has played with cards?

5. Participatory Activity: We all play a round of Texas Hold'em, with all the cards open for everyone to see, as a practice round and to answer any questions that may arise. We may have a second practice round for reinforcement.

6. Post-Test: We will have a round of Texas Hold’em with the teacher's participation, but wihtout the teacher’s directions and with the participants' cards undisclosed.

7. Summary: Today we have learned how to play Texas Hold'em, tomorrow we will learn how to bluff.

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